The May 20, 2018

Terraces and textiles


We leave the morning for Moray on foot with Maxime and Lea, two compatriots met yesterday. We walk well, and arrive at Moray after an hour. We visit the terraces, we can walk around. It's actually an Inca agricultural laboratory. Each terrace had its temperature, and the deeper it was, the warmer it was. Thanks to this system, the Incas could predict the agricultural yields but also cultivate tropical plants even in winter. It's impressive to see, but the visit is short, we go back to Maras.

We then take our bikes to reach Chinchero, our last stop in the sacred valley. The road is transient, but the scenery is pretty. We eat there, then leave in search of a hospedaje. We find one very well close to the market. It seems that it's one of the most beautiful market of Peru. The whole city is known for its weaving, and the market has many textiles.

We visit the ruins of Chinchero, the Inca walls are beautiful, and there are many! In addition, there are almost no visitors. It's very relaxing and soothing.